Making Peace With Summer

Reading the subject line of this post might make you wonder, ‘what’s to make peace with? Summer’s awesome!’ And it is! So much to do outside – tennis games, golf lessons, bike riding, swimming, spending time at the beach, a lake house, a...

Origin Story of More Than A Thief

Hello dear reader! Thank you so much for your interest in More Than A Thief. It truly means the world to me. It’s like I’ve just made the most delicious meal I am capable of making and you have just sat down at my table and picked up your fork. Now I am holding my...

What About The Boys?

In case you missed it, singer Shakira shocked the world by admitting her sons, aged 9 and 11, hated the Barbie movie, finding it emasculating. She further knocked the public for a loop by saying she agreed with them – “I’m raising two boys. I want ’em to...

How To Host an In-Person Book Club – Part I

So, you want to start an in-person book club. Good for you! And I mean that literally. It is GOOD for you to hang with people who share your love of literature. Research shows feeling connected can help people with everything from maintaining a healthy body mass to...

Book Club Thoughts

One of the biggest and most delightful surprises so far in this crazy publishing journey of mine is the number of adult Book Clubs who have invited me to be their guest. Club members read my book and then I come to their meeting where they then pepper me with amazing...

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