Thief Books That Steal Your Heart

Sometimes I get in the groove of reading books on one subject or time period. I thought it would be fun to highlight some novels in which the main character steals something, and the fall out which follows. Enjoy! A scrappy maid must outsmart both palace nobles and...

Making Peace With Summer

Reading the subject line of this post might make you wonder, ‘what’s to make peace with? Summer’s awesome!’ And it is! So much to do outside – tennis games, golf lessons, bike riding, swimming, spending time at the beach, a lake house, a...

Origin Story of More Than A Thief

Hello dear reader! Thank you so much for your interest in More Than A Thief. It truly means the world to me. It’s like I’ve just made the most delicious meal I am capable of making and you have just sat down at my table and picked up your fork. Now I am holding my...

What About The Boys?

In case you missed it, singer Shakira shocked the world by admitting her sons, aged 9 and 11, hated the Barbie movie, finding it emasculating. She further knocked the public for a loop by saying she agreed with them – “I’m raising two boys. I want ’em to...

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