In writing MORE THAN A THIEF, I tried various ways in to the story. One of these attempts was a diary format, which, for various reasons I won’t bore you with, I eventually abandoned. However, I thought you might enjoy this brief outtake – a peek into my main character’s diary and state of mind, from an earlier version:
“In telling a perfect stranger my story, I would have to tell them that:
- I am a thief, but not your normal, run-of -the-mill kind. Most of the items I take are worth mere pennies at best.
- I don’t use anything I steal, but keep everything together in an old hat box in the garden shed
- I am immediately ashamed and remorseful
- I can’t seem to stop. Even now, as I write this, I have that familiar buzzing in my ears and fingertips, gnawing away at my resolve. And truly, I hadn’t even thought about quitting – it seemed such a harmless pastime, really – until I found out about Miss Lizzie…”
Poor Victoria. What’s a thieving debutante to do?
Feel free to preorder MORE THAN A THIEF to find out!
Wow! Thank you for the reminder that good writing is rewriting! Sometimes I want to cheat and have my final draft magically appear on my first version. Ugh…never happens! I’m sure having all the versions helped you really get to know your character.